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Ambrosia c.jpg

 Thanks for  CHEER for all the bunnies!

Go up and down the aisles starting this Friday afternoon. They are arranged by breed so our rabbits are throughout the building from American blue to Tan.

Here's starting information about some of the breeds I have.



4H Wednesday Aug 21
3:00 PM  Move to fair &  Well check.
Move "Ambrosia" (English Angora senior doe) into 4H competitio
8:00 PM Orientation. 4H written test for "Interview"

(Update: I advanced to call-backs and the finals. So many GREAT youth who really know a ton about rabbits.  Honor to be in the mix!)

4H Thursday Aug 22  
8:00 AM "Judging Competition"  Youth judge the rabbits.  Those youth that judge a select group of rabbits closest to the scores of the professional judges are the winners.  We're on team Hennepin County

1:00 PM-3:00 PM  I will be near my rabbit to answer questions.
4:00 Judging awards

(Update: 2nd place - Individual Intermediate age group.
& we competed up a level & our senior high team took 3rd place)

6:30 PM   My presentation on Angora rabbits & use as comfort animals
(Update: Blue ribbon)

Friday Aug 23
9:00-10:30 "Speak Up for Animals" -- I'll be with other Hennepin County youth to share about our rabbits.  I'll focus  about the care of Angora rabbits, and the way we collect the wool for making yarn.  Other youth will showcase other aspects about their rabbits. 

(Update: If Ambrosia is not in our county area, look for us doing a table top demo along one of the walls).
10:30 My call-back for Interview because I scored high on the written test Wednesday night.  (Placed in top -- won free food!!)
2:00 PM Quiz Bowl
(Wow!  Lots to learn!! -- Won a drawing for a free rabbit carrier)
6:00 PM Go watch friends compete

Saturday Aug 24
6:30 AM Report to barn to do final preparation for competition
8:00-Noon   Best in Show Competition AND Showmanship Contest
See who has the best rabbit according to the judges interpretation of the "Standard of Perfection."  Ambrosia is in the division "all other small rabbits" Competion is on TABLE 2
6:00 PM Back to share about Angoras

Sunday Aug 25:  Animals go home in the afternoon. 

Monday -- Thursday break while I start 9th grade.
WCCO story

Thursday Aug 29: Pioneer Press article

Friday Aug 30:  Move a LOT of rabbits to the fair for Open Competition
Here's a sneak peak into some of the rare breeds.  I plan to bring at least one of each except for Belgian Hare and Giant Chinchilla.


NOTE:  On the island I train the rare rabbits breeds at what I call "Kinderbunny age" -- 8-weeks to 4 months.  They learn to use the litter box, sit on tables and in wagons so they are able to interact with the public at events or be adopted as Comfort Rabbits.  My model is working because we're creating a demand (and even a wait list) for these wonderful larger breeds that haven't been as popular as pets. So it's a win-win! 

Saturday Aug 31: 
8:00-3:00 Best in Breed and Best Fur competitions
Lots of excitement in the building, but you can't walk up and down the aisles to visit the rabbits.  But watching the judging is super informative so stop by to learn about the breeds.


After the Best in Show competition, all the best of breed rabbits move to the Champion Row.  Note -- They must meet the Standard of Perfection to advance even if there is only one rabbit in a division.   Because we raise very rare heritage breeds, it is unlikely you'll see many others of these rabbits at the show except for ours.  But it's not guaranteed they can advance.

6:00 PM Naming Ceremony:
I'll announce winner of the "name the rabbit" competition.  The person who suggested the winning names for the American Rabbits wins a trip to the Peacebunny Island. 

Sunday Sept 1
Stop by and say hello. 
Hopefully you'll see some of our rabbits on Champions Row.
3:00 - 5:00 PM I'll be presenting at the University of Mn Extension booth about Angora rabbits

Monday Sept 2
Rabbit show closes at noon.  Pack up the bunnies for home

Tuesday Sept 3:  Back to school!

Next bunny event open to the public:
Bunny Garden at Peacebunny Cottage

Sunday September 8 5:30 PM and Sunday nights through the fall
Hour long educational bunny playdate at in the pasture 


Bunny Boot Camp (foster / volunteer training) and Little Vet classes are
offered monthly



BUNNIES!: Gallery


4H and Open Competition

=Sheep/Poultry building
on the State Fairgrounds

at the big red X on the map.

Enter door on the Coliseum side
Inside the building,
turn right at the Baa Booth

Enter the rabbit show


MN State Fair map L29_edited.jpg
Daisy Peacebunny
Huckleberry Peacebunny and Bandit
2018 State Fair Ribbons
Hobo, senior doe Lionhead
BUNNIES!: Meet The Team


Almost five years ago Caleb rescued this special little American Blue rabbit, named him Paxton Peacebunny, and made a commitment to help save rare / endangered breeds listed with the Livestock Conservancy.   Along with Paxton's descendants called the "Peacebunnies"-- plus some other rescues --this crew lives quite the adventure together.

Thanks for visiting!!



CEO, Founder with Paxton Peacebunny (photo 2017)

We look forward to returning your message.

BUNNIES!: Welcome


Thank you for being patient. 
Our aim is to return messages promptly, but as a youth run business, other responsibilities come first

(Central Time, USA)

Peacebunny Island

Mailing Address Only:
PO Box 202, Newport Minnesota USA 55055

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